Foreclosure Defense – Foreclosure Settlement Conferences

Foreclosure settlement conferences typically occur outside the courtroom and may help delay or stop the foreclosure of your home. At Todd Cushner & Associates, we can prepare you for your foreclosure settlement conference, ensuring you have everything necessary to achieve the results you deserve.

Foreclosure Settlement Conference Basics

The Court mails you a date, time and place for a settlement conference. The Court date is sometime during the first two months after the plaintiff files proof of service and a RJI. A settlement conference is a meeting between you, someone from the Court (a Judge, Court Attorney, or Court Referee), and the plaintiff.

lawyer and client discussing foreclosure defense case

Keeping Your Most Valuable Asset

Your home is most likely the most significant investment you have ever made. Our team of foreclosure defense attorneys can help ensure you keep your home. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

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