Don’t Use Your Credit Cards

If you are planning to file for bankruptcy in the near future, it is important to refrain from using your credit cards to make any purchases. All credit card purchases made within 90 days prior to filing for bankruptcy are considered non-dischargeable debts and will deepen your financial burden.

“Todd Cushner can I help you? Hey Jerry, how are you? You did what? No, I told you that’s a no go in bankruptcy, and you have to stop doing that immediately. It’s going to be a problem for you and I don’t want to have to deal with it. So, that’s the end of that. Ok, never again. Yup, thanks.

I get these calls all the time. People who are in bankruptcy attempting to use their credit cards. I’m going to give you a piece of advice. Anything that you purchase within 90 days, any use of your credit cards within 90 days of filing your bankruptcy becomes a non-dischargeable debt. So, if you’re thinking of about filing for bankruptcy, I’m going to tell you to stop using your credit cards right now. It’s not worth it, you don’t need to do, there are other ways around it, and what you bought is probably not something that you desperately needed.”

Trusted Bankruptcy Guidance

At Todd Cushner & Associates, we can help you successfully file for bankruptcy and provide you with expert guidance to ensure you achieve your desired results. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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