If you find yourself in debt, one of the most common worries is the potential of your property being repossessed. Motor vehicles are often the specific properties in danger of repossession; however, this may pertain to other types of property as well. Fortunately, the bankruptcy attorneys at Todd Cushner & Associates may be able to help prevent your property from becoming repossessed.
How Can Bankruptcy Help Prevent Property Repossession?
In order to prevent the repossession of property such as a car, it is important to keep up with your monthly payments after a chapter 7 bankruptcy discharge and entering into a reaffirmation agreement with your lender. In chapter 13 bankruptcy, an automatic stay order will help prohibit further collections and/or repossessions.
Walking You Through The Bankruptcy Process
At Todd Cushner & Associates, our bankruptcy litigation experts work with you every step of the way to help ensure you get the successful outcome you deserve. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation.