However, you can rest assured knowing that credit card companies do not have the right to take away your home over unpaid debts. Although in some cases, there are loopholes where you may have no choice but to sell your home to pay off your debts.
Author Archives: Megan Quinn
Understanding Your Rights: Can Credit Card Companies Take Your Home?
Credit Card Debt Relief Options
Thankfully, there are many options for those in credit card debt that will provide them with some financial relief and peace of mind.
Each option has its own unique benefits. It is crucial to evaluate every option to determine which is most ideal for your situation and which will provide the most relief to your debts.
Here are some of the most common credit card debt relief solutions.
What to Do If You Receive a Foreclosure Notice
There are several actions you can take to manage the situation and avoid potentially losing your home.
Here are some of the most crucial steps you should take immediately after receiving a foreclosure notice.
The Role of Bankruptcy in Protecting Your Family from Credit Card Debt
When you have a family, you are responsible for doing everything possible to protect them, even if it means filing for bankruptcy when you fall into credit card debt.
Here is how the process can protect your family from overwhelming credit card debt.
Bankruptcy 101 – Bankruptcy Facts
Debt is an unfortunate situation that many of us will find ourselves in from time to time. Therefore, it is important to know the basics about bankruptcy should you need to apply for it, and it is not as complicated as we may perceive the process to be.
So let’s go over the the most important facts you should know about bankruptcy!
Debt Relief for Medical Bills: How Bankruptcy Can Help
If you find yourself wondering how you will pay off your medical bills, bankruptcy is thankfully an option on the table for you.
When Should I Start Thinking About Estate Planning?
However, whatever our reasons may be, it is not such a bad idea to get ahead of the game and establish plans for our loved ones to follow even after we’re gone.
So, when is the right time to start planning your estate?
5 Benefits of Hiring a Bankruptcy Attorney for Individuals and Businesses
It never hurts to be prepared should you ever find yourself bankrupt and want to protect your assets.