Sometimes, as a result of circumstances beyond your control, you could find yourself immersed in debt and have no idea where to begin or how to resolve your situation. Rather than letting your debt continue to spiral, it’s time to consult with Todd Cushner and Associates located in White Plains and surrounding areas.
One way to substantially reduce your debt is through loan modification, which means changing your current terms with a lender with whom you have an existing loan. There are various ways you can accomplish this and we work with your lender to either reduce the interest rate, renegotiate the length of time you have for repayment, or even reconfigure what you owe into a different loan structure. We also take the time to do a full analysis of your current situation so that we can find a solution that will have the least effect on your credit rating and take into account what kind of payment plan would be reasonable based on your current income and future earning potential.
What’s crucial is to work with a qualified team of people who you trust and have earned your utmost confidence. Before or even after getting harassed by debt collectors who will make your life miserable, contact us to learn how we can quickly take steps to get you on a path to debt reduction and in turn live a much better quality of life without the constant worry. The attorneys at Todd Cushner and Associates have a vast amount of experience in this area and are well versed in the many ways that a loan modification can be structured. If you are in this situation, we can certainly help to ease your worries.